Parent-Staff Organization
Welcome to the Rockwood South Middle School Parent-Staff Organization's (PSO) website.
As a parent of a Junior Falcon, you are automatically a member of the PSO (Parent Staff Organization), and we hope you will become involved and help make a tremendous difference in our school. Like elementary school, middle school volunteers are greatly appreciated and always NEEDED!
Our purpose is:
- To promote the welfare and education of children and youth eligible to attend the Rockwood School District and the Rockwood Middle School in the home, school, and community.
- To support the school in improving education in ways that will adhere to administrative policy and the Rockwood School District's mission, goals, and beliefs.
- To raise funds for programs and equipment to further the education of children and youth.
- To bring about a closer relationship between the home and the school, that parents and teachers may work cooperatively in the education of children and youth.
- To foster communication, cooperation, support, information, and education within the Rockwood School District, including district staff, parents, and the general community.
All are invited and welcome to join us at our monthly PSO meetings! To stay informed about the latest meeting schedule as well as other upcoming PSO events, email us at or follow us on social media.